Moving out; Teachers prepare for moving out of RB


Tia Trainor

Dumpster outside the high school. Teachers making room for everyone in one building.

Calling all the teachers in the Roger Bacon building.

It is the end of the school year you know what that means. Time to get moving.  All the teachers in the Roger Bacon have to move into the high school because the Roger Bacon is getting rebuilt this summer.

Faculty Lounge in high school. Packaging materials are stacking up as teachers get ready to make room.
Mr. Reigstad cleaning out his classroom and giving students any items he doesn’t need.
Boxes upon boxes in the Roger Bacon.

Teachers will certainly miss their old classrooms and their space they had been working in.

There is also some nervousness about how tightly packed it will be in the main building next year.

Can’t wait for the new building. Huge thanks to our generous benefactors.