Vaselaar earns red badge of courage on basepaths

Vaselaar earns red badge of courage on basepaths

Softball may not seem like a full contact sport, but don’t tell that to Rambler senior Kelly Vaselaar

In an early season conference game, Vaselaar led off the night with a sharp single against rival the Lewiston Cardinals. After this  promising start to the game, Coach Bowlin decided to test the Cardinal defense and send Kelly  to second on a steal.

Vaselaar, still glowing from her base knock, took off for second on the pitch. Lewiston’s catcher accepted her challenge and threw a strike down to second. Vaselaar  slid confidently, and disaster struck.

When the dust cloud cleared Vaselaar soon realized something went horribly wrong.  Her skin tore like a present being ripped open by a little kid on Christmas morning. Vaselaar played it off like a champ. Showing no pain and only shedding one tear, she stayed on the base paths. It takes more than a little road rash to take a champion out.

However, she was left stranded on second and Vaselaar’s heroic act proved to be in vain.  Not to worry, though, the  Ramblers dominated L-A in a 24-4 rout.

An unnamed source claimed Coach Bowlin is considering bringing retired Cotter teacher Mike “hook slide” Donlin in to have the team brush up on proper technique.