Music Sparks Marek-Spartz


300 forest green windbreakers from Minnesota flew over to Europe for a music filled holiday, one of these windbreakers was worn by Cotter’s own Alissa Marek-Spartz.

During a 19 day trip, the Minnesota Ambassadors of Music visited seven countries with visits to places like London, Paris, Venice, Switzerland and Liechtenstein,.

Each of the students is  required to first be nominated by one of their instructors  to join the program.  After being nominated,  300  fortunate and talented students are selected to play instrumental or choral pieces with fellow Minnesota high school students.

“I heard about Minnesota Ambassadors of Music through my brother, Kyle Marek-Spartz, and was nominated by Dr. Janet Heukeshoven.”

Directed by Chip Williams and Joni Sutton, the group performed a diverse set of songs such as España Cani, French Festival, A Tribute to Edith Piaf, Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat, Stars and Stripes Forever, and Anything Goes, among others.

After practicing during the first three days of July, the group boarded their plane to begin their three week adventure. Leaving the United States on July 5, the trip went until July 21, with the Greek extension continuing the trip through  July 24. With an average of 1-3 days per country, the group was able to see the sights and sounds of Europe.

“The highlight of my trip was definitely shopping in Greece, but my favorite country had to be Switzerland,” stated Marek-Spartz. “We stayed in hotels, had breakfast, one other meal was provided, and one was on our own. We were the first group in years to have no concerts rained out. All concerts were outside, when we had free time we could go in groups of three, always having to wear a forest green windbreaker.”

As the photos from Switzerland and Venice suggest, it’s an experience that will leave Alissa with a lifetime of fond memories.

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Posted below are links to the band and choir performances:     band   choir