Taking Trisha to Lunch


Mr. Paulsen and gives a ride on Trisha, the recently refurbished 3 wheeled bike taxi, to Drew Morales and Will Modjeski for answering the trivia question of the day, Tuesday.

To promote “take ride your bike to school week” Mr. Paulsen has been offering rides to and from lunch on the tri-shaw.  He has also been posting a bicycle trivia question of the day and the winner receives free transport to lunch.

Mr. Paulsen gives a ride from lunch to Austin Ingham and Devin Dulek


The tricycle taxi was built in 1948 in Malaysia and was gifted to Cotter in the early 1990s.  For many years it sat in the lobby outside of the president’s office, and, for many others, it was stationed in the St. Cecilia theater lobby.

Mr. Paulsen and the bike shop students tuned up the bike, which they found had some unusually sized parts.

Rides are being offered for $1 to non-trivia winners with the collected funds going to maintenance costs.

Science dept. gone wild. Mr. Paulsen gives Mr. Reigstad a ride on the tri-shaw